More feedback from the fleet.

Fleetboard: Smart fleet management for the Econic.

The Mercedes-Benz Econic is more than just a vehicle. You also gain access to an entire ecosystem of digital services. The Fleetboard digital telematics system makes your fleet more efficient, safer and more sustainable. Unlock the full potential of your Econic now.

The future of fleet management.

Fleetboard connects drivers, vehicles and fleet managers. The system delivers real-time data regarding fuel consumption, vehicle handling, idle times, driving periods and rest periods. It also presents you with data concerning the technical condition of your vehicles – data that helps you to optimise processes within your company: Fleetboard is your key to greater efficiency and transparency. For reliable and sustainable driving.

Fleetboard operational analysis evaluates the driving behaviour of your drivers based on objective criteria such as fuel consumption, speeds or idle times. Comparisons can be made within the fleet and with other companies using a rating system of 1 to 10 points. A rating of 1 indicates the highest degree of optimisation. For all other scores, Fleetboard will tell you where there is still room for improvement. 

The result? You not only reduce signs of wear and the risk of accidents, but also use up to 15% less fuel thanks to consumption optimisation.

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Trip recording: At a glance.

With Fleetboard, surprises on the road are a thing of the past. Mapping and trip recording services mean you always know where your vehicles are and what the traffic situation is en route. Digital route planning lets you optimise the utilisation of your vehicles and react immediately to unexpected events. You can also use geofences to define geographical zones and receive notifications if the borders are passed. 

The Fleetboard Logbook records overviews of a vehicle's entire trip history. The digital logbook documents distances travelled, downtimes and events in detail and helps you to plan future routes or detect deviations in vehicle use. The Fleetboard Driver app is recommended as a supplement. It gives drivers direct access to the data of Fleetboard time management and operational analysis services for the first time.

Automated and legally compliant.

The Fleetboard telematics system makes it easy to comply with legal requirements. The driver card and mass storage download ensure that all relevant driver data is saved automatically, conveniently and remotely. The data – such as time sheet data – is archived on time and is DEKRA-certified. You can access the stored information at any time so you are always sure to be on the safe side in terms of legal requirements. 

Fleetboard time recording provides a precise overview of your drivers’ driving and rest periods. This lets you optimise your driver deployment plans and comply with legal requirements. Rest time reductions, driving time extensions and estimated remaining driving times – you can access all this information in real time. This saves time and money and increases the efficiency of your fleet. Deviations from regulations are automatically flagged so you can respond immediately.

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Full control over charging.

Fleetboard Charge Management gives you a comprehensive overview of your charging processes. This digital service lets you view battery statuses, charging statuses and charging histories and can plan and control charging sessions. It helps you to maximise utilisation of charging stations and optimise the operating times of your fleet.

When you choose the Econic and Fleetboard, you get a groundbreaking total package. Intelligent networking and a wide range of management tools help you to maximise the efficiency and profitability of your fleet. Now it is up to you to tap into this potential and lead your fleet into the digital future.

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The Econic.

Wows with its power, efficiency, and extremely high levels of safety.

The eEconic.

Powerful, efficient and locally emission-free with fully battery-electric drive.

Econic Municipal.

Relieving the burden on municipal employees as well as the air quality in emission-polluted zones – the Econic in municipal use.

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The Econic arrives quickly on site. Not at the limit.

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Econic Urban Logistics.

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