Temperature-controlled Econic in operation for Reynolds, the fresh fruit and vegetable supplier.
"A fresh approach to urban deliveries" reads the message on the Reynolds refrigerated truck bodies. One of the leading British suppliers of fresh fruit and veg promises a new approach to urban deliveries – an important aim. The company has reliable partners at its side, however. Two temperature-controlled Mercedes-Benz Econic trucks ensure that over 3000 orders per day are delivered by Reynolds in London to hotels, restaurants, pubs and bars, caterers, schools, universities and care homes. "Fresh" in both senses of the word: because the Econic with refrigerated bodies not only guarantee the required freshness of the foodstuffs, but also fulfil modern vehicle requirements for urban logistics.

First choice: Econic. Because safety is not negotiable.
Steve White is head of the Reynolds fleet management and responsible for more than 250 vehicles. For him, the decision to buy the two new Econic trucks was quite clear. "I've worked in waste disposal before, so I was fully familiar with the Econic – in particular with the low entry and the good view from the cab," he says. And particularly where safety is concerned, he didn't want to make any compromises. "In London the safety of cyclists and pedestrians is top priority, so it was clear to me that the Econic was the ideal vehicle solution for our business."

Sentinel camera systems for maximum visibility in heavy city traffic.
The vehicle concept of the Econic with its low panoramic windscreen and the glass side door means the driver can naturally have direct eye contact with cyclists and pedestrians at junctions or in congested traffic. For maximum visibility, Reynolds the logistics company has retrofitted the vehicles with a Sentinel camera system. The system provides the driver with 360-degree visibility and gives an audible warning if there is a cyclist next to the truck. Also there is a strobe light to support the crew when unloading at night.
Deliveries in London: with the Econic, of course.
Focus on human beings.
High regard and support for their own team was an important consideration for Reynolds when they bought the two Econic trucks. For the decision-makers at the logistics company, ergonomics and comfort are important factors in organising work responsibly. And in these areas, the Econic wins hands down with simple solutions: for example, the low entry cab only has two steps instead of the usual four necessary for climbing into a conventional truck. This reduces the strain and the risk of injury for the driver when embarking and disembarking.

Because often it's a low profile that makes the real difference.
Reynolds also wish to keep disturbance of the urban population to an absolute minimum. The company's delivery fleet operates from four strategically distributed depots across the UK. Work generally starts between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m. In view of this early start, Reynolds were very concerned about making sure that the new vehicles were as quiet as possible. The Econic's full-air suspension contributes to noise reduction, as does the integrated UT-800 refrigerator from Thermo King, which is "quiet as a whisper". Also, the vehicle bodies are equipped with sound-proofed Marothaan floor coating.
This care and commitment to safety on the part of Reynolds was rewarded by FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme, a voluntary UK accreditation scheme for fleet operators which aims to raise the quality level within fleets) with the Bronze Standard. The decision of the family company to buy the Econic shows: now the logistics company intends to achieve gold status.
The new Econic trucks of Reynolds, the logistics company:
- Econic 1830
- Ultra-modern, high-torque six-cylinder inline engines
- Output of 220 kW (299 hp) via Allison automatic transmission as standard
- Insulated single-chamber bodies from Gray & Adams
- A curved front to the roof which blends into the cab’s air deflector
- Latest aerodynamically profiled panelling on the body with access doors on both sides
- 1500 kg Dhollandia tail-lift
London appreciates DirectVision.
In the capital city of London, people are really keen on the Reynolds Econic. Leon Daniels, Managing Director, Surface Transport at Transport for London (TFL), views the company as a crucial contributor to traffic safety: "Reynolds play a leading part amongst future-oriented companies by using safer vehicles." An important component of this is the DirectVision standard.
Reynolds play a leading part amongst future-oriented companies by using safer vehicles.
Leon Daniels, Managing Director Surface Transport, Transport for London

Econic forges ahead and London adjusts its regulations accordingly.
DirectVision and LowEntry: with its clever vehicle concept, the Econic shows sensible measures for more safety in urban traffic. Transport for London, the transport authority, supports commitment of this kind and has now compiled a binding set of rules which will come into effect from 26 October 2020. All trucks with a gross weight of over 12 t will need a special licence to enter or operate in the greater London area. This measure is intended to encourage companies to modernise and adapt their fleets to modern safety standards. But for the Econic, that just means daily business.