Unimog Service Days.

Free technology and function checks for your Unimog.

Your Unimog is a versatile performer: It needs to be operational on a daily basis, despite the fact that it is constantly exposed to the toughest conditions. Regular care and maintenance are the basic requirements, so that your vehicle works trouble-free. An early detection of damage can help to prevent costly repairs.

With the Unimog Service Days, Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks offers regular opportunities for important vehicle checks. In addition to a detailed examination and advice on your vehicle by a factory specialist, you will also receive important information on innovations.

Also in focus: the exchange of experiences with other Unimog drivers and fans. This means that you benefit several times from a visit to your local service partner!

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    Order online now: Unimog calendar 2021.

    Always one step ahead. The Unimog.

  • Stylish and flexible throughout the day.

    Genuine Unimog protective face mask.

  • Download exciting colouring pictures with great Unimog motifs now!

    With Unimog it never gets boring.

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    Unimog Collection: Articles that make children's eyes light up.

    Unimog for kids.

  • Step by step to the Unimog lantern with the official template.

    Handicraft your own Unimog!

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    Gift ideas for those who decide on the spur of the moment.

    Unimog under the Christmas tree.

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    Practical tools for work and leisure.

    Little Unimog helpers.

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    As versatile as the vehicle.

    Unimog. Always perfectly equipped.

  • The ox head meets the current Unimog Collection.

    A love of tradition.

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    Current Unimog Collection with ox head.

    Unimog from head to toe.

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visible-lg and up (hidden-md and down)