Service leasing makes even more efficient.

In the Soest region of North-Rhine Westphalia, four new Unimog vehicles take care of road maintenance.

Roads, paths and public spaces need to be cleaned and maintained regularly both in summer and winter – an expensive task but a necessary one.

In view of increasingly limited public funds, treasurers are delighted at any possible ways of saving money. That is why the borough of Soest in North Rhine-Westphalia has decided to sign a service lease contract for four new Unimogs. A cost comparison has shown that even when finances are tight, this form of purchasing can make economical and environmentally-friendly operation possible. 

The borough of Soest has put in place a climate protection policy, and we are beginning with our fleet.


Jürgen Mintert, deputy head of the Municipal Depot in Erwitte

Service leasing as a cost-saver.

Over the past six years, service leasing has been a "real cost-saver" for the borough of Soest, Hartwig Thiele, Head of the Municipal Depot in Erwitte, confirmed. He had carried out a cost comparison between three identical Unimog U 400 models over this period: one was purchased, one was hired and the third was leased in a service leasing deal. The result showed that the overall costs for service leasing were low and that, at the same time, there was a high availability of vehicles. Repairs and maintenance could be carried out within a small space of time, because administrative steps such as requesting quotes, comparing the potential offers and confirming the order for the work in question were no longer necessary. As a result, down times were minimised and vehicle availability was increased even further.

Successor vehicles noticeably more economical and more environmentally friendly.

The borough of Soest has leased its new Unimog vehicles again for the next six years with 1200 operating hours each. As part of this deal, Daimler's financial subsidiary CharterWay pays for all costs relating to maintenance, repairs and fleet management. Thanks to longer service intervals and reduced maintenance costs, in the borough of Soest monthly costs for servicing were reduced considerably compared with the previous model. If you add the reduced diesel consumption per hour of operation, the impression that Mr Thiele, Head of the Municipal Works Depot, had is confirmed: replacing the vehicles meant real cost savings – and improved performance: the new, more powerful and more ergonomic vehicles also increase the driver's work output, thus even further improving the cost-benefit ratio.

Besides the manageable vehicle costs, the Unimog's environmentally friendly Euro 6 emissions technology was also a deciding factor for the authorities. "The borough of Soest has put in place a climate protection policy, and we are beginning with our fleet," said Jürgen Mintert, deputy head of the depot. Service leasing is thus an ideal way to equip a fleet with the latest vehicle technology.

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