The builder‘s yard arrives every day with its Unimog U 427.
„Everything that can somehow get into the sea is washed up here by us,“ says Fabian Post. He is the head of the council of the municipality of Timmendorf Beach. Seven kilometres of beach are part of the 26-strong building yard team in the Ostholstein district. „Every day we drive the Unimog up and down on the beach and remove what was washed up overnight.“
Stranded good in anthracite.
Fishnets, crates, plastic waste, driftwood, dead animals – everything gets washed up here. „There is no better vehicle for our needs than the Unimog,“ enthuses Fabian Post. „An Atlas assembly loading crane (AK 85.2) is mounted behind the cab of our U 427. It allows us to take away anything that doesn‘t belong on the beach.“ The Unimog, with paintwork in anthracite, came to the Baltic Sea a good six months ago. Around every ten years, the municipality replaces the Unimog with a new model.

Lifting loads like Atlas.
On average, the men from the building yard remove around 100 cubic metres of rubbish from the beach every year. The refurbished Atlas arm is radio-remote-controlled and already did its job reliably on the last Unimog. Sieve shovel, perforated shovel, seaweed shovel – we have the right accessory for every application. The 272 hp Unimog was equipped with the TireControl plus tyre pressure control system fitted ex works to ensure optimum progress on the sandy beach.
There is no better vehicle for our needs than the Unimog.
Fabian Post, Leiter des Baubetriebshofs der Gemeinde Timmendorfer Strand
Operation in the sand as well as in the snow.
And when the new vehicle isn‘t on the beach, it will also be used for other logistical purposes in everyday municipal builder‘s yard work thanks to the three-way tipper from Atlas. „In winter, the Unimog is then one of three large implements that we operate ourselves,“ says Fabian Post.
In addition to a Mercedes-Benz Atego and a smaller multifunctional vehicle, the converted U 427 also goes out to work on the ice and snow. The loading area can accommodate the likewise brand-new Schmidt „Stratos B20“ grit bin with wet salt mixer. The container can hold two cubic metres of road salt.
A Unimog for municipal operations – but not in orange? „Yes,“ explains the head of the building yard, „we are no longer legally bound by orange. And because we are a modern municipality, we order all our new vehicles in white. In addition, because the Unimog is something special, we wanted it in elegant anthracite.“
The first one on the beach in the morning.
Of course, the lighting package including surround lighting is designed with LEDs. Sideguard Assist is a particularly important safety feature of the new U 427, as there is traditionally an above-average number of cyclists at the seaside resort. And when they all return in the summer, the sandcastle builders, the sun worshippers, the participants of the German beach volleyball championship and the beach polo players – the men from the builder‘s yard will have been there long before they arrive on the beach.
Project implemented in collaboration with Unimog general distributor:
Land & Bau Kommunalgeräte GmbH