Power vehicle for power vegetables.

The Großhans family relies on the Unimog U 430 to grow vegetables.

If you take a closer look at the properties of carrots, it becomes clear that they are extremely healthy. It aids digestion, helps with chronic fatigue, immune deficiency, stomach and intestinal problems – an absolute power vegetable. The Großhans family from Reilingen near Heidelberg work day in, day out with their 60 permanent employees in their fields to produce carrots so that we are all well supplied with them.

The masters of carrot cultivation.

With seasonal workers, 600 people are employed here during the harvest season. The farm, founded 25 years ago by Karsten Großhans, manages almost 800 ha. Son Dennis (25), a trained horticultural scientist, joined the company. Together with their father and mother Petra, they manage their farm which grows vegetables from June to March. Radishes, potatoes and onions are other Großhans products. “If we harvest a carrot today, it will be in the supermarket within 24 hours. No matter where in Germany,” explains Dennis Großhans.

Flexible, fast and manoeuvrable.

His business is one of the top five carrot producers in Germany. Harvesting, washing, sorting, packing, cooling, loading – they are a well-established team on the farm. And to ensure that the supply from the field does not run dry, a fully-equipped Unimog U 430 in Fir Green is in deployment. “We use the Unimog solely for field logistics. The advantage is its speed, manoeuvrability and the flexibility you get with the Unimog,” enthuses Dennis Großhans. The Unimog U 430 must pull two 18 t Reich trailers, which are usually hitched in series.

In any weather. On any terrain.

Of course, the vehicle is fitted with AS tread (agricultural tyres) and a tyre pressure control system so that it can get off the field safely. “We’re on the fields in all weather conditions. The Unimog is very valuable to our operations. We have been able to use it to replace two other vehicles, which were already lacking speed for a while. We also drive it on the motorway.” The family ploughs the fields that sprout the delicious carrots almost all year round for approximately 50 km around the farm. Unimog Magazine has some advice for you: eat more carrots!

Project implemented with Unimog general distributor:
Knoblauch GmbH

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