“We really enjoy
driving the Unimog!”

Agrarservice Vorpommern with the new Unimog U 535 as a harvesting aid.

“It was very important for us that the employees like the vehicle,” says Carsten Stegelmann, managing director of Agrarservice Vorpommern GmbH in Sassen-Trantow. And they like it! During the harvest last year, they got a demonstration vehicle from the Unimog general distributor Sietrac in Rostock Sievershagen. They put the Unimog through its paces: Up onto the field, down from the field, up onto the road, into the yard and back again. Every day. A full programme.

“It turned out that the Unimog was the ideal logistics vehicle for us,” says Carsten Stegelmann enthusiastically. “The fuel consumption is sensational compared to the agricultural tractor.” Tyre wear is also positive: “With a conventional agricultural tractor, we pay four times as much for a set of tyres,” he says.

The trained farmer and master of agriculture knows what he is talking about. In addition to combine harvesters and numerous agricultural tractors, his fleet also includes two older Unimog Semester trucks: A Unimog U 1500 and a Unimog U 2100 have been valued harvesting aids for many years for the total of 1,500 hectares of land to be cultivated.

With agricultural tyres and the tyre pressure control system, we can cope with any terrain and any weather.

Carsten Stegelmann, Managing Director, Agrarservice Vorpommern

The Unimog pulls. Reliable.

The new Unimog U 535 is mainly used in logistics. “We transport the crop from the field directly to the customer or storage area. With agricultural tyres and the tyre pressure control system, we can cope with any terrain and any weather. It’s great that there is now a Unimog in the 350 hp class. After all, we’re talking about a 40-tonne vehicle that needs to be moved safely.”

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The two biogas plants have to be considerably replenished with corn, while the Unimog reliably transports grain, rapeseed and beets in the region around Greifswald – painted in nostalgic MB-trac green. This is because there is also such a tractor in the fleet. “The vehicles do look pretty good together in the yard.”

From path maintenance to winter service.

In winter, Agrarservice Vorpommern supports the municipality with snow-clearing operations. A municipal mounting plate is mounted at the front for the snow plough. But the Unimog is also used for path maintenance as well as for trimming greenery and hedges in its home region in the north east of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Three drivers share the U 535. And they don't just like their workplace –they love it.

Project realised with Unimog general distributor:

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The extreme off-road Unimog.

This fantastic, reliable and resilient powerhouse has one goal: getting to work in as many application areas as possible.

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