… that, in short, describes the career of the Unimog at the Fraatz farm.
The Fraatz farm is a diversified agricultural business: In addition to the 260 hectares of arable land, the family business, which Michael Fraatz runs together with his father Bill and his uncle Tilo, also includes cattle breeding as well as piglet rearing with subsequent pig fattening. The working days of Michael Fraatz, his father and uncle, in the quiet community of Pölzig in Thuringia, are correspondingly varied. But whoever is doing what job on what day, they will most likely be using one of the three Unimog units currently forming part of the Fraatz family's fleet.

Ploughing proved to be a core competency.
Michael Fraatz recalls the first Unimog acquired by the farm - at the time still run by his parents. “My father still enjoys telling the tale of how, almost 20 years ago, he more or less spontaneously arranged a demonstration to test a Unimog as a ploughing rig.” It was an enthusiastic representative from the Beutlhauser commercial vehicle sales agency who turned up at the farm with a Unimog and promptly built the plough onto it. After just a few laps of the field, Bill Fraatz was so impressed by how easily the Unimog handled the ploughing that a short time later he had acquired his own U 2100 for the farm. “And of course we are still running the old girl today,” reports Michael Fraatz with a smile, “but now she is used more for carrying and towing jobs.”