Half a year it's cold,
half a year it's winter.

The new TLF 3000 for the Albstadt fire brigade.

„Half a year it‘s cold here and half a year it‘s winter,“ jokes Thomas Daus. Thomas is commanding officer of the Albstadt-Tailfingen volunteer fire brigade. And he is not entirely wrong when it comes to the weather in the Swabian Alps: In March 2005, the Albstadt-Degerfeld airfield recorded a temperature of minus 36.1 degrees – the lowest temperature ever recorded in Baden-Württemberg.

An extreme vehicle for extreme weather.

Albstadt, and its nine municipalities, claims to be the third largest municipal forest owner in the state. At 427 metres above sea level, the European watershed runs through the centre of the municipal area. The Eyach and Schmiecha rivers sometimes break the nerves of Albstadt‘s residents when they flood. The municipality takes this force of nature very seriously, and even has a separate page for it on its website. For the fire brigade, this means getting through it!

The surrounding forest areas, challenging terrain and an increasing number of natural disasters ultimately led to the decision to purchase the new water tender vehicle with cab for the crew and Lentner body, which carries 3,000 litres of water (TLF 3000), based on the extreme off-road performer - the Unimog U 5023.

This allows us to both wade at 1.20 metres deep and drive over a burning stubble field.

Thomas Daus, commanding officer, Albstadt-Tailfingen volunteer fire brigade

Equipped for emergiencies.

Also on board: 120 litres F500. F500 is an environmentally-friendly extinguishing additive that the machine operator can add to the firefighting water. Hitting the fire, this agent primarily removes heat from it. A major advantage over foam. The result: less water is needed. The F500 is also suitable for lithium-ion fires (batteries), for example. The Lentner U 5023 has a pump output of 3,000 litres per minute. „So when it really comes down to the crunch, we are literally empty after just one minute,“ explains Thomas Daus.

Prepared for anything.

The Albstadt version of the TLF 3000 differs from other vehicles in its class primarily in its equipment which is tailored to the dangers posed by the surroundings: tyre pressure control system, submersible pumps, suction pumps, chainsaws, a four-metre lighting mast and front spray system insulated against heat and water, which are located under the bumper. „This allows us to both wade at 1.20 metres deep and drive over a burning stubble field,“ explains Daus.

For worst case scenarios.

A total of 280 firefighters in eight departments are called out 400 times per year. The Unimog, stationed in Albstadt-Tailfingen, is taken out around 20 times a year. One thing we know for sure – Albstadt‘s firefighters will always keep a cool head – if only due to the weather conditions in the Swabian Alps.

Project implemented in collaboration with Unimog general distributor:
Knoblauch GmbH

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