Comfort even in extreme conditions.

Icebreaker on the Grossglockner High Alpine Road: Unimog with UNI-TOUCH® operating system.

The Unimog is on top form under extreme conditions. Clearing snow and ice from the Grossglockner High Alpine Road is a particularly arduous job. That is why a team from Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks thought it would be the ideal place to put the implement carrier through its paces. The focus of the Alpine tests is the UNI-TOUCH®: this control system makes operating even the heaviest attachments a breeze.

Formidable tests at 2500 m.

Amongst the rugged and hostile landscape of the Austrian High Alps, Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks engineers are faced with a monumental task: equipped with a total of three Unimog implement carriers, they are helping local operator Grossglockner Hochalpenstrassen AG to clear the mountain pass – and testing their state-of-the-art technology at the same time.

Working conditions are brutal. At an altitude of 2500 m, the teams battle with fresh snow continually piling up and a high risk of avalanches, not to mention terrible visibility. But the Unimogs, equipped with the UNI-TOUCH® operating system, are unfazed by these adverse conditions.

True mountaineers no matter the season.

The High Alpine Road, which connects the Austrian states of Salzburg and Carinthia, has finally met its match in the Unimog implement carrier. And not just for clearing winter roads. This multi-talented Daimler Truck is well-prepared for use all year round.

Its robust chassis and portal axles give it high ground clearance, meaning the Unimog can move effortlessly even over the most difficult terrain. Permanent all-wheel drive and differential locks in both axles ensure optimum traction, while single tyres and the TireControl plus tyre pressure control system let it adapt to otherwise impassable ground.

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With a top speed of up to 89 km/h, this Unimog is also no slowcoach on the road. But it is the range of over 1000 different attachments and body options for its four standardised interfaces that make the implement carrier a true all-rounder. The UNI-TOUCH® control system makes them extremely easy to operate.

UNI-TOUCH® heralds the dawn of a new Unimog era.

Lutz Heidrich, UNI-TOUCH® Project Manager, Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks

UNI-TOUCH® sets standards.

The operating system takes comfort and efficiency to the next level. The sliding centre console with a large touchscreen and individually assignable buttons lets drivers control implements intuitively.

The joystick is specially designed for the ergonomics of the right hand and is available as optional special equipment for professional implement operation. It can be positioned on the driver’s or co-driver's right armrest or detached and stored in the stowage compartment in the park position. These ergonomic improvements, along with user-friendly menu navigation, mean that UNI-TOUCH® will make operating all attachments more efficient and more economic in future. And this is just what the team at Grossglockner has proven.

Easy to control, individually adaptable.

The central control unit of UNI-TOUCH® makes it easy to control implements with clever switching elements such as linear rockers, adjustment wheels and memory buttons. It can be adjusted forwards and back as well as side to side, making it adaptable to a wide range of needs.

Unimog drivers can freely configure profiles, processes and operating elements and upload or download them using the USB data interface. Additional components for controlling attachments can be connected using the CANBUS interface.

Furthermore, third-party control units and remote operation are possible with UNI-TOUCH® when combined with a bodybuilder interface. Practical USB ports and sockets, stowage compartments and cup holders round off the design.

More about the new UNI-TOUCH® operating system

The test run on the Grossglockner was a resounding success. The breakthrough moment – when two clearing vehicles coming from either side of the pass meet in the middle – took place as planned at the end of April. The High Alpine Road was opened for traffic again in May.

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