Professionals around wood.

Two identical Unimog U 535s in forestry operations.

Paul Wolf from Kloster Lehnin has made a name for himself with his tree felling, wood maintenance and firewood production company. With his new Unimog U 535, the 35-year-old focusses on quality and efficiency. From the mobile firewood processor to the powerful Stepa rear crane – his equipment is impressive. Paul Wolf's journey began with a log heating system and has developed into a successful business in the Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg region. 

Quality assurance by Unimog.

So far, they have still been able to see the wood for the trees – after all, the forest is their employer. Paul Wolf and Fabian Freisleben are professionals when it comes to wood: tree felling, tree maintenance, firewood, wood chips. And: without heavy equipment, they would be lost. Because Paul Wolf and Fabian Freisleben value quality – both in terms of their equipment and their work – they recently put their second Unimog U 535 into service.

The young entrepreneur Paul Wolf from Lehnin Monastery, which is located south-west of Potsdam in Brandenburg, has grown into his job in a very typical way. “When I was around 20, I had a woodburner at home. I had to get wood for that. And because my friends also used wood for heating, they suddenly wanted their firewood from me. So I bought a chainsaw and made and sold even more firewood,” he says proudly.

the service intervals for the Unimog are much longer than for an agricultural tractor. This is very important for us.

Paul Wolf, Managing Director, Holzwolf


There were more and more enquiries, a friend with extensive climbing experience offered to help with the challenging tree felling and then many training courses were added for the young workforce. Today, there are four of them, and they are no strangers when it comes to wood chips and firewood in the Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg regions. "With our Posch S375 mobile firewood processor, we saw and split firewood from tree trunk to firewood ready for use."


Flexible from the forest to your doorstep.

The Unimog with long wheelbase for the largest possible load of wood and wood chips is used both in the forest and for wood deliveries. They are fast, agile "and" says company boss Paul Wolf, "the service intervals for the Unimog are much longer than for an agricultural tractor. This is very important for us."

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Most of the time, the Bieber 84 from Eschlböck is used to chip directly onto the platform – a custom-made model from Söder. Paul Wolf can both shred from above onto the platform and blow the chipped material in from below using a flap. A mesh fabric as a lid makes it possible. The Stepa rear crane, which still lifts a respectable 750 kg when fully extended, is an indispensable feature to keep operations running. No matter where, the crane is there.

And because the successful company even has real fans, Paul Wolf has also set up a fan shop on his website. There are clothes with cool designs and slogans – all about wood, of course.

Project realised with Unimog general distributor:
Harald Bruhns

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