A vigilant passenger
at your side.

Sideguard Assist 2 in the Econic.

Sideguard Assist 2 can help drivers when changing lanes or turning and issues hazard warnings. To do this, the system uses radar sensors to monitor the entire driver and front passenger side. If danger is detected, a two-stage warning is triggered so that the driver can react quickly.

Monitors the vehicle sides.

Other road users are often not even aware that a truck driver may not see them in certain situations. Sideguard Assist 2 supports the driver in critical turning situations with restricted visibility or when changing lanes. In situations like this, the safety assistance system can help the driver, within the system limits, by drawing attention to moving road users detected by radar sensors positioned on the driver and front passenger sides.

The eEconic has met the requirements of the European General Safety Regulation (GSR) since May 2024.

The driver is warned in two stages. If a possible danger is detected, the system first draws attention to this by means of a visual display on the A-pillar on both sides of the cab. This is followed by a combined visual and acoustic warning. In this way, critical traffic situations can be mitigated by early intervention.

Factory-fitted safer driving.

The system monitors the front passenger and driver’s sides to detect vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists located in the blind spot of the side rear-view mirrors. The intuitive user interface and clearly understandable warnings support the driver while driving.

What other technology does the Econic have up its sleeve?

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Assistance systems can only support drivers. The driver is always fully responsible for driving the vehicle safely.

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The Econic.

Wows with its power, efficiency, and extremely high levels of safety.

The eEconic.

Powerful, efficient and locally emission-free with fully battery-electric drive.

Econic Municipal.

Relieving the burden on municipal employees as well as the air quality in emission-polluted zones – the Econic in municipal use.

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