More than just resolutions.

Successful launch into practical use for the eEconic in 2022.

Inspiring ideas and big goals: Stories made of this stuff are what particularly move us at the turn of the year. One of them is that of the eEconic. In 2022, the all-electric Special Truck has opened new chapters one after the other. And it has shown that a new era in waste disposal and transport logistics has dawned with the range of electric trucks from Daimler Truck, promising an exciting future.

On the test bench.

Even in the depths of winter, waste management needs reliable vehicles with a suitable range. That's why the eEconic was thoroughly tested in intensive trials at the beginning of the year. The focus of the test engineers was on testing the safety, performance and durability of the truck.

The eEconic also had to prove itself in tests of batteries and the electric drive in summer and winter. At the Arctic Circle, the all-electric truck also underwent braking tests on snow and ice. Conclusion? Positive. The electronics and software always worked reliably, even well below freezing point.

In customer use.

Since spring, an eEconic has been undergoing practical testing at the Frankfurter Entsorgungs- und Service GmbH. The feedback has been positive throughout. The vehicle has met with great acceptance among drivers and manages the waste collection routes with only one battery charge. Evidence of this is the eight eEconic that the company has already ordered.

The Special Truck scored all along the line, as Dirk Remmert, Managing Director of FES, reported: "We see the eEconic as an important component of our strategy, especially for use as a waste collection vehicle - because it can perform its tasks quietly and CO2-neutrally." With the eEconic, the largest city in the Rhine-Main metropolitan region has found an answer to the demand for more efficiency and climate-friendliness of its fleet for urban transport.

In front of an audience of experts.

Advancing sustainable municipal mobility through innovative technologies: This was the motto of Mercedes-Benz Trucks at the IFAT 2022. Four vehicles and 660 m² of exhibition space offered visitors a lot to see and do. The fully electronic commercial vehicles eEconic and eActros were presented as locally carbon-neutral, low-noise solutions for a wide range of applications.

Since many major events could not take place as planned for two years, the IFAT 2022 was a special occasion. Daimler Truck AG took this as an opportunity to hold a customer event and dedicated an entire evening to the new eEconic. The aim: to present innovations, share visions and rethink sustainability together.

In serial production.

Before the serial production of the eEconic started in July 2022, around 2,700 employees at the plant in Wörth were thoroughly trained in handling high-voltage vehicles and assembling electric components. The start of production was another milestone along the road to CO2-neutral transport for Daimler Truck: in order to contribute to the decarbonisation of the commercial vehicle industry, the company is pursuing the goal of CO2-neutral transport on the roads by 2050. In the main sales regions in North America, Europe and Japan, therefore, only CO2-neutral vehicles shall be sold from 2039 onwards.

In public.

At the IAA Transportation in September 2022, the eEconic and the eActros were the main attractions. The event was packed with highlights, inspiring encounters and exciting experiences. The all-electric trucks and the holistic solutions for an efficient and seamless transformation to eMobility attracted great interest. The opportunity to test some of the vehicles also generated enthusiasm among the visitors.

Electromobility made easy

"Especially with regard to large cities, there is a need for quiet, clean and safe logistics and waste disposal solutions. And we offer just the right truck for this," Dr Ralf Forcher, Head of Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks, summed up on this occasion.

What happens next?

What does the next chapter of the eEconic success story have in store? That's up to you. For you in operation, the battery-electric Special Truck can contribute to reducing environmental pollution and workloads in many places. Because the eEconic offers solutions for many of the current and future challenges of urban transport. And thus not only convinces with conceptually good intentions, but has demonstrated in 2022 the particular performance behind the idea of sustainable commercial vehicles.

What makes the new eEconic special?

Learn more about the features and technical data of the all-electric commercial vehicle.

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