Innsbruck municipal operations are starting a quiet revolution with the eEconic.
Innsbruck combines tradition and modernity: Alpine beauty meets pioneering technology. The city is taking a significant step towards sustainability with the eEconic from Daimler Truck. The team led by Markus Fracaro, Head of the Innsbruck Kommunalbetriebe (IKB - municipal operations), successfully introduced the all-electric eEconic 300 into their day-to-day operations.
The top truck on the road.
Austrian waste collectors start their day early. The drivers and collectors meet at 5.30 a.m. to prepare for their routes. Shortly afterwards, the five-member team of the eEconic leaves the depot. Thanks to electronically optimised collection routes, they can largely avoid rush-hour traffic. Markus Fracaro explains: "By completing a large part of our work before rush hour, we avoid commuters and don't hinder pupils on their way to school."