Valorsul sets an example for sustainable waste management in Lisbon with the Econic.
Global commitment to a clean environment and sustainable future is one of today's most pressing issues. Countries, cities, municipalities and each individual are called upon to make a contribution. Among others, Valorsul is dedicated to advancing the Lisbon region and the west of Portugal in terms of waste management and recycling. Founded in 1994, the company treats and recycles municipal waste. In order to meet the high requirements for the selective collection of reusable waste, energy recovery or landfill disposal, Valorsul receives valuable support from Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks in the form of the Econic.
Sustainable relationships.
A connection such as this validates Valorsul’s own values, which the company formulates as “striving to be an excellent, sustainable and socially responsible company.” It is through transparency that appreciation and competence, innovation as well as the highest ethical standards can be lived throughout the company.
Valorsul is grateful for the valuable and effective cooperation with Mercedes-Benz. Above all, the use of the Econic is a great enrichment, according to the company. The challenges of urban garbage collection are great, but the agile Special Truck is up to the demanding task. Therefore, it is unsurprising that the company went straight for triple Econic power.

Adapted to change: the Econic promotes ideal working conditions.
Among other things, the low-entry truck is responsible for the selective collection of recycling waste. Once it has been dumped at the company’s various facilities, the used packaging is sent for recycling and the food waste is converted into fertiliser that is returned to the soil.
When purchasing the truck, it was enormously important to the Portuguese recycling company to make their drivers' working conditions as ideal as possible. It was recognised early on that efficient work must go hand in hand with optimum equipment. This is where the Econic comes in: the truck convinces all along the line in terms of ergonomics and accessibility.
And these were precisely the criteria that led Valorsul to choose the Special Truck, as engineer Pedro Miranda points out. In conventional cab models, in addition to a considerable distance to the ground there are two to three steps that have to be climbed to get in and out. Given that a work shift can involve about 90 to 100 stops, this increases the risk of injury. Therefore, the Econic has been increasingly adapted to the very specific activities and needs of the drivers. And thanks to its panoramic windscreen, the Econic features a large field of vision that also offers optimal safety in road traffic – for the crew and other road users.
The Econic is one of the best solutions on the market when it comes to low entry design. This is one of the reasons why Valorsul relies on the Special Truck.
Pedro Miranda, Engineer, Valorsul
Awareness campaigns for a sustainable future.
In addition to its demanding fields of activity, such as collecting reusable waste, processing bio-waste or slag recycling, Valorsul is also very much involved in the recycling cosmos. The company sees a great need in raising awareness for waste separation. “There are still many people who do not recycle,” says António Afonso, head of the sorting centre. Many are under the misapprehension that waste separation will result in waste disposal costs.
Valorsul tackles the challenge of communicating environmental responsibility across generations by promoting:
- App Recycle BinGo2, a smartphone game that is intended to reach younger generations as they are awarded prizes for recycling.
- Ecovalor-Environmental Ewareness Programme for more than 300 schools and communal institutions
- „Tons of Help“, a programme to financially compensate non-profits and associations for recyclables dropped off at Valorsul sorting centres and eco-centres. In 2020, 366 tonnes of recyclables were collected from 77 establishments, representing financial support of around 66,500 Euros. The Portuguese Association of Business Ethics awarded the initiative with the Recognition of Practices with Social Responsibility Award.
Valorsul in environmental mission for Lisbon and surroundings.
- 2 sorting centres
- 1 organic waste treatment and recycling plant
- 1 energy recovery plant
- 8 environmental centres
- 2 landfills to receive different waste streams
Reliable partners.
All this shows: Valorsul has made its environmental commitment its vocation. The Portuguese company is constantly trying to take a step forward – towards a sustainable future. The fact that it relies entirely on the Econic is an important sign.

The next step towards sustainability.
The all-electric Mercedes-Benz eEconic operates emission-free in local waste management.