The Econic with DirectVision: anticipatory driving at eye level.
Streets lined with parked vehicles, confusing traffic situations and overtaking cyclists: just a few of the daily challenges that have to be faced in dense urban traffic. The Econic with DirectVision Cab is perfectly prepared to take on those challenges.
Its exceptional low-entry concept offers a number of convincing benefits, the most notable being the cab with panoramic glazing which provides an unobstructed view. A direct view of street and pavement is a considerable advantage over conventional trucks and is important for the safety of more vulnerable road users. The low seating position and the fully glazed folding door on the passenger side mean that the driver is at eye level with other road users, having a better view of things at all times.
Direct view ensures safety.
They are able to communicate directly with other road users through eye contact: An advantage which, in a hectic traffic environment, can be crucial. Because if you can see what is going on with your own eyes, you can drive in a more anticipatory manner, assess hazardous situations better, react faster - and in the end arrive punctually.

Assistance systems support additionally.
In addition to the DirectVision Cab, the sophisticated Econic camera and mirror system expands the field of vision to include working and dead-angle areas. Depending on the situation, the driver on the screen in the cockpit can always check the most important perspectives around the vehicle. And it does not stop there: If desired, safety systems like the Active Brake Assist or the Sideguard Assist provide additional support and protection. To make urban traffic even safer.
The Econic with DirectVision: for better visibility. And safety.