Fire services love the Unimog.

Around 400 visitors attend fire service presentation by the Unimog general distributor RKF-Bleses.

In Hemer in North-Rhine Westfalia, RKF-Bleses put on a presentation of the Unimog dedicated to fire brigade applications. Practical demonstrations were given in addition to specialist talks and discussion rounds. Around 400 visitors, the majority from the fire services, were able to see the capabilities of the Unimog for themselves.

The Unimog marketplace provided a focal point for an informative exchange of views.

In this specially constructed marketplace, the numerous visitors had the opportunity to put questions to professional vehicle demonstrators on all aspects of the Unimog in fire brigade applications. The comprehensive package of information was supplemented with talks and discussion rounds.

50,000 litres of water transformed the demonstration site into a mudbath.

The subsequent all-wheel drive training on the off-road circuit was likewise a real highlight for all those involved. The Hemer fire service used 50,000 l of water to transform the former Deilinghofen tank proving ground into a muddy expanse where the ability to negotiate water courses and the use of the tyre pressure control system could be ideally demonstrated.

The next task for the Unimog was to master seemingly impossible tilt angles and gradients. "At first the visitors were horrified at the extreme challenges to which we subjected the vehicles. But this soon turned into amazed admiration for the Unimog as a vehicle concept," says Jörg Krause, the back-office manager at RKF-Bleses. "The smiles on the faces of the firefighters were a just reward for all our organisational effort."

More information on the Unimog at fire services and disaster control:

order brochure

Video: The Unimog in the off-road parc at the event for fire services of the Unimog general agency RKF-Bleses GmbH.

Watch more Videos on the Unimog in rescue operations:
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