Where only rubber dinghies
and Unimog can help.

Unimog Club supports disaster relief operations in flooded areas.

The situation in Shantou is tense: heavy rains over several days caused massive flooding in the Chinese city. According to the Ministry for Emergency Management 1.2 million people have been affected by the flooding in the province of Guangdong and 85,000 persons have had to be evacuated since 1 September 2018.

Volunteers answer the alarm with three Unimog.

In order to gain control over the situation, numerous rescue personnel journeyed from the surrounding regions into the disaster area – including volunteers from the Unimog Club China (UCC). Shortly after the extreme rainfall began, they offered their support to the Shenzhen's disaster relief organisation and very soon began work.

In the suburb of Gurao Shangbao they supported the Shenzhen disaster relief organisation and rescue authorities at the front in order to supply the population with the most necessary goods. Despite flooding of up to 1.2 m deep, the three off-road vehicles of the UCC travelled steadfastly back and forth between the central warehouse and the flooded streets.

Whilst only boats could advance to the affected city districts, the water was no problem for the Unimog of the volunteers. Thanks to a high chassis and giant tyres, the drivers were able to make their way deep into the disaster area with their vehicles made in Germany. They transported more than 100 t of urgently needed goods.

The Chinese Unimog fleet's first disaster operation.

The operation at Shantou was the first civil relief action since the founding of the first Mercedes-Benz Unimog in China. Thanks to very different applications the three vehicles fulfilled very specific tasks in the disaster area whilst cooperating perfectly with one another. Thus the drivers were not only very satisfied with the Unimog at the end of the operation, but were also very pleased to have been able to help the people in Shantou.

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visible-lg and up (hidden-md and down)