A special year for the Unimog Magazine, the Unimog Club of Gaggenau and its members’ magazine, the Unimog Heft’l .
As a reliable workhorse with a rousing history, the Unimog evokes many emotions and inspires enthusiasm the world over. Needless to say, a vehicle with such special charisma has some equally special affiliations, three of which are celebrating anniversaries in 2018: the Unimog Magazine, the Unimog Club of Gaggenau and the Unimog Heft’l all have plans in place to mark their birthdays with a variety of highlights for the Unimog community to enjoy.
Unimog Magazine: 65 story-packed years dedicated to the Unimog.

The Unimog Magazine first saw the light of day in 1953, just five years after the Unimog went into series production. Like the vehicle itself, the magazine initially dubbed the Unimog Guide focussed on applications within the farming industry. Loosely following the motto “time is money”, the Unimog’s higher speed enabled it to outperform slower-moving tractors.
Its speed cuts travelling time in half, making a major contribution to the rationalisation of agricultural operations.
Unimog Guide on "Time is Money"
The magazine, packed with news about the Unimog, areas of application and field reports, evolved into a guide for Unimog drivers and enthusiasts which was both useful and entertaining. And 65 years on, nothing has changed. The magazine has witnessed a lot over the years: how the Unimog has conquered many areas of application, the expansion of the its fan base, the metamorphosis of the Guide first into the Unimog Journal then the Unimog Magazine, and even its role as a matchmaker.
The Unimog Guide as a matchmaker
In 1964, a photo of Miss Annegret Hokamp from Herford at the wheel of a Unimog stirred the interest of head gardener Karl-Heinrich Noltensmeier from Extertal; the editorial office supplied her address and a year later the couple were happily married.
The latest stories at your fingertips – Unimog Magazine digital edition now available.
Now the Unimog Magazine is available in German and English to readers around the world in a free digital version: just fill out the contact form and submit your email address to complete your subscription.
Unimog Club of Gaggenau: 25 years of passionate support.

Given their level of enthusiasm it’s hardly surprising that Unimog aficionados have their own fan club. The Unimog Club of Gaggenau is an international association of over 6,000 Unimog-lovers from 34 countries, all of whom are committed to looking after the historical all-wheel-drive vehicles and keeping them in working order. The global community is connected through regional and international meetings and regular parts markets.
In 2018 the club is celebrating its 25th anniversary from 15–17 June with a special event at its home base in Gaggenau. There’ll be space for tens of thousands of visitors, young and old, plus up to 700 vehicles at the showground. Attractions will include dealers’ stalls, a festival marquee, a prototype exchange and lots of current Unimog models and implements on display, and special children’s activities and a tombola will keep the younger Unimog fans amused.
Highlights for real action fans: presentation of the new workshop in the Unimog museum, spectacular demonstrations on the Ötigheim test course and excursions to the former Unimog braking track at Waldprechtsweier and to the sand dune test site in Sandweier. Unimog rally demonstrations, a Unimog old-timer auction and the chance to observe Unimog production live in Wörth complete the programme.
And football fans won’t have to worry about missing out on the start of the World Cup in June, as some of the matches will be broadcast live on the giant LED screen. After all, it’s much more fun when everyone comes together, whether it’s for the football or the Unimog.
More about the Unimog Club in Gaggenau
Information about the Unimog Club can be found at: www.unimog-club-gaggenau.de
Or by e-mailing: Jahrestreffen2018[at]unimog-club-gaggenau.de
The Unimog Heft’l: 100 issues since 1993.

The establishment to the Unimog Club in 1993 also saw the first appearance of the club members’ magazine, the Unimog Heft’l. The quarterly publication offers readers a wide range of valuable technical advice, travel reports, event information, advertisements, information about Unimog models and background reports. The Unimog Club is therefore not only celebrating its own birthday in 2018 but also an important milestone in the history of the Heft’l: this year sees publication of the 100th issue of the magazine.
An appropriate anniversary gift awaits fans: one enthusiast will become the proud owner of a full set of Unimog Heft’l. It will be auctioned among all the visitors during the anniversary weekend of 15–17 June.