A truck
for all emergencies.

Scarlet Zetros supports Costa Rica's bomberos on emergency calls.

It's often unbearably hot, sometimes stormy, and always risky. When the emergency alarm goes off in Costa Rica, the emergency services are confronted with all sorts of eventualities. But they know one thing for sure: even getting to the scene of the emergency will be a real challenge. Because Costa Rica is a country of extremes: spectacular volcanic mountain chains, torrential rivers, dry plains and the rough Pacific coast alternate with lush rain forest, swamps and alluvial plains on the Atlantic Caribbean coast.

In order to function under these extreme conditions, the Costa Rican firefighting services looked for a vehicle which is equally extreme. Its reputation as a robust cab-behind-engine truck preceded the Zetros. As the first vehicle of its type, a Zetros 2733 6x6 has been in operation for the Costa Rican special forces for a few months now.

Flexible, all-terrain truck for rescue operations country-wide.

The Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos de Costa Rica, the state firefighting service, is responsible for the emergency call centre and the 75 fire brigades around the country. So the Bomberos, the firefighters, have to constantly monitor a total of 51,100 km². In addition to classic firefighting missions, they also have other assignments, such as mountain rescue and urban rescue in collapsed structures.

Often the bomberos put themselves in danger when they are out on an emergency call. The Zetros should give them more work safety; and above all, the secure knowledge that they will be able to reach the scene of the emergency. Because that is not something to be taken for granted. The cab truck will be used all over the country – and will be able to prove to the full its mobility and robustness off metalled roads.

As an important member of the fire brigade, the truck also wears its own uniform: its scarlet paintwork makes it look like a bombero. The many and varied logistic challenges that the off-road specialist has to deal with depend on what the emergency is – be it floods, buildings on fire, forest fires or disaster rescue after earthquakes.

Electricity generators and light poles are part of its standard equipment; then, depending on the mission scenario, the truck is equipped accordingly. For rescue missions in caves and mountains, the equipment includes mobile kitchens, tools for mountain rescue, ropes and tents. Forest missions are usually forest fires: the Zetros brings portable pumps, water tanks, water hoses, shelters and tools to cut trails safely to the site. The G-USAR special forces on the other hand need rescue equipment for collapsed structures. Location devices, diggers, engines and chain saws, for example, find a space in the roomy body of the red giant.

Lift for efficient loading.

As emergencies are generally unpredictable, one of the most important principles is working quickly in a case of need. So changing a vehicle's equipment must not mean losing time. The large and particularly heavy boxes with rescue material have to be carried on board quickly, and often every minute counts.

The Zetros is designed for simple, fast loading. The logistics specialist has a vertical lift at its rear which helps to prepare the truck efficiently for the transfer and ensures a rapid operational readiness on the spot.

With the Zetros, we will be able to get to the most remote spots and help people there.


Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos

At home in all terrains.

"Conventional trucks are limited to roads – they can hardly reach uneven terrain, rocks or flooded roads," explains the Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos. "However, the Zetros has so many different capabilities that we can do away with our previous restrictions."

Decades of off-road know-how and innovative technology combine in the Mercedes-Benz Zetros to create a modern truck concept for extreme tasks. Whereas the Euro-III engine is situated under the bonnet, over the front axle, the driver, on the other hand, sits further back – and the result is gentle, safe driving. Permanent all-wheel drive, differential locks, steel-sprung hub reduction axles with drum brakes and a reinforced frame ensure the required robustness in forests and mountains; because gradients of up to 70 percent are no problem for the Zetros. And: thanks to a fording depth of up to 1.19 meters, it also easily finds its way through the water.

The firefighters are utterly contented because the new arrival has already fulfilled all expectations only a few months since it was first put into operation – thus creating a clear recommendation for more Zetros in the Costa Rican emergency fleet.

Mercedes-Benz on location.

The Cuerpo de Bomberos had to choose and buy a new Zetros, for which they were helped by the staff of AutoStar Vehículos. The general dealership has been managing the sales, marketing and the after-sales service for the Mercedes-Benz brand since 2003. Three dealerships with workshops in the province of San José around the capital of the same name provide extensive service and customer care. Also, AutoStar is a certified workshop for the maintenance, guarantee and servicing of Mercedes-Benz vehicles, and it has a training centre for commercial vehicle customers.

For more information about AutoStar Vehículos S.A.:


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