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what's right under your nose.

Frontguard Assist in the Econic.

Frontguard Assist monitors the traffic area immediately in front of the Econic and supports the driver in the speed range up to 15 km/h. If the system registers moving objects such as people right in front of the vehicle with its camera and radar sensor, it can issue a two-stage hazard warning and prevent serious accidents.

A lookout in road traffic.

Speeds of up to 15 km/h may not sound very dangerous. However, particularly tricky situations in confusing urban traffic – for example when pulling away or at junctions – often involve low-speeds. This is where Frontguard Assist helps drivers. The system’s monitoring range covers the blind spot over the entire width of the vehicle for a distance of up to approx. 4 m.

The eEconic has met the requirements of the European General Safety Regulation (GSR) since May 2024.

If a critical situation is detected within the monitoring range, a warning is issued in two stages. The system first sends a visual signal in the form of a warning light on the display. In particularly critical situations, an acoustic signal also sounds at the same time.

A vigilant eye on your surroundings.

Frontguard Assist serves as a proactive protective mechanism that can inform the driver of potential hazards and help them to react more quickly. As part of the basic equipment of the Econic, it can provide support in critical moments and reduce the risk of accidents.

What other technology does the Econic have up its sleeve?

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Assistance systems can only support drivers. The driver is always fully responsible for driving the vehicle safely.

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The Econic.

Wows with its power, efficiency, and extremely high levels of safety.

The eEconic.

Powerful, efficient and locally emission-free with fully battery-electric drive.

Econic Municipal.

Relieving the burden on municipal employees as well as the air quality in emission-polluted zones – the Econic in municipal use.

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