When you've got 35 strawberry fields to cultivate, you need a good helper.
Harald Funck's strawberry fields have to be crammed full of the sweet fruits in time for the season. To ensure the seasonal business goes to plan, he relies on his new Unimog U 527 featuring the Agrio Tiger special body unit.

It's all about timing.
35 fields, 700,000 square metres of land, extending to a radius of almost 200 kilometres – that is the realm of Harald Funck, a strawberry grower from Hirschfeld near Zwickau. The strawberry growing and selling business – whether offered on a pick-your-own basis or sold directly through the charming kiosk made to look like a strawberry – is all about timing. Because that is the special feature of the strawberry business: the diligently grown and freshly sold product is available to buy for just two months a year. "Everything has to run perfectly in May and June, otherwise months of hard work would be wasted," the expert asserts.
Talking of hard work: To handle the long distances, the thorough protection and the watering of his delicate crops, Harald Funck relies on a new Unimog U 527. He commissioned agricultural machinery experts Sauerbier & Stiller to fit it with an Agrio Tiger crop protection unit. Alongside a 4000 litre tank, which the farmer normally fills from the hydrant, the main body component is the 18 metre boom which sprinkles the water and pesticide over his fields.
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