What are the benefits of corrosion protection renewal?

Rust and other problems have no chance at Unimog.

A before/after comparison demonstrates the effectiveness of a Unimog corrosion protection renewal. Your vehicle will not only benefit visually – regular corrosion protection or renewal will also help to maintain its value.

Make sure your Unimog is ready when it matters.

Regular care and corrosion protection renewal will maintain your Unimog's corrosion protection, which also brings economic benefits for you. Early identification and repair of damage reduces downtime and helps to keep costs for corrosion-related repairs to a minimum.

Maintaining value for the future.

Value increase and value retention are further reasons to opt for regular corrosion protection for your Unimog. Your commitment will pay dividends in the form of a higher resale value.

And looking after your Unimog also has a visible benefit, as the application of high-quality care product makes your vehicle look good. By using care products that are ideally suited to your vehicle, for example from Elaskon and Dinol (Dinitrol), we achieve the best value retention for your Unimog.

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