Your Unimog Service Partner is a certified expert and thus the best contact point for optimum vehicle servicing. Using myUnimog TecCheck, your Service Partner can also offer you standardised vehicle check including digital documentation – providing the greatest possible transparency. Mercedes-Benz Trucks is providing Unimog Service Partners with the appropriate digital tool in the form of the myUnimog TecCheck application. And is thus ensuring that current checks always match the product range.
Just like any truck that is used in daily commercial vehicle operations, the Unimog should be inspected regularly to ensure it is fully functional. Trained personnel from your Unimog Service Partner carry out a diagnosis of your vehicle, digitally supported by the application. And in a standardised all-round inspection including visual and function tests they can document possible weaknesses fast and plan the required workshop visits with you.
The basis of a standardised myUnimog TecCheck is the application from Mercedes-Benz Trucks with the same name. With its help, experts from your Service Partner can carry out fast, standardised and uniformly documented diagnoses. If components are faulty, text notes and photos can be stored.
Once the check is completed, the member of the service team responsible prints out a clearly arranged test report for you or sends it to you directly by email. So that you are always up-to-date with regard to the condition of your vehicle.
You are interested in a myUnimog TecCheck? Contact your Unimog Service Partner now.
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